Fysio Science

Welcome to FP Fysio Science

FP Fysio Science is the scientific department of Fysio Physics and is engaged in scientific research in the field of movement, training and rehabilitation in physiotherapy, as part of the 3 Fysioscience learning lines: biomedical, methodological and scientific.

At this moment several scientific trials are in progress studying the effects of the 4xT® Method, including PhD. research, from FP Fysio Science in collaboration with VU University Amsterdam (Professor Dr. Annelies Pool-Goudzwaard; Professor Dr. Richard Jaspers). In addition, FP Fysio Science in collaboration with the ISALA department of sports medicine (Tom Brandon, MD), regarding, COVID-19 rehabilitation. As well, the researchers of FP Fysio Science supervise various students in writing their thesis for obtaining their bachelor’s- or master’s degree.

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